Audiological Assessment

An Audiological Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s hearing auditory system. Measuring a person’s ability to hear different sounds, pitches or frequencies a series of diagnostic procedures are used to determine the type, degree and configuration of hearing loss in order to develop a treatment plan to improve communication skills.

Our specialist providers are dedicated to assisting with the diagnosis and treatment of all hearing-related issues. Using advanced audiological assessments and personalised care plans, we ensure effective solutions to improve hearing health and overall quality of life.

We can assist by:-

  • We will contact your client to arrange your referral for an Assessment and or Treatment and discuss any questions they may have.
  • Source the nearest private provider for your client’s convenience.
  • The provider will then contact the client directly to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.
  • We are committed to keeping you informed by providing updates and progress reports promptly as they occur, along with a comprehensive final report upon completion.

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