
Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing that comes from inside the ear. The cause of this condition is not always clear but is often linked to hearing loss, anxiety and depression or some other conditions.

Tinnitus Therapy refers to treatments and interventions to help manage or reduce the perception of tinnitus.

Following a comprehensive evaluation, our specialist providers are able to recommend the right therapy for your client and provide a personalised treatment plan.

woman holding ears in frustration

We can assist you by:-

  • We will contact your client to arrange your referral for an Assessment and or Treatment and discuss any questions they may have.
  • Source the nearest private provider for your client’s convenience.
  • The provider will then contact the client directly to arrange a mutually convenient appointment
  • We are committed to keeping you informed by providing updates and progress reports promptly as they occur, along with a comprehensive final report upon completion.

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We would be more than happy to answer your questions.
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